Sale in Poland


We disribute and sell our products all around Poland.

You can find the in the regions:


Małopolska (Cracow)

Podkarpacie (Rzeszów)

Śląsk (Katowice)

Ziemia Lubuska (Zielona Góra)

Mazowsze (Warsaw)

Pomorze (Gdańsk)

woj. Lubelskie (Lublin)



We sell our dolls in Cepelia Stores, Folk Art Shops, toy markets, souvenirs stores.

We offer our products to polish folk groups going on tournee abroad.


                         There are places you can find our dolls: (in Poland)






















Of course we don't want to limit our market to those regions in Poland. We would like to cooperate with other stores in that branch of trade. Please let us know if you want to receive more informations about us. We promise to answer to all your question. 

We offer delivery for free. (in Poland)

We would like to cooperate with folk groups going on tournee abroad. Our dolls have been taken abroad and have become very popular. Our products have represented polish country culture and have promoted Poland all aroud the world.

Please contact us via e-mial, phone or fax to get more information and prices.



Sale on the world


Our products are very good known in most european country. They are popular in:




  Netherland (Holland)







Mostly we present and sell our dolls on international exhibitions and fairs.  We cooperate with some copanies that disribute our products in thier coutries.

We also participate in folk festivals. We show the world polish unique national culture.


                                                   Our dolls in Europe:












Of course we don't want to limit ourselves to wokr on these markets. Our goal is to spread on new part of Europe and the world. We would like to get in Spain, United Kingdom and east-europe coutries. 

Please contact us via e-mial, phone or fax to get more information and prices.

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